MEDIS Now Executive Member of the PCC
I am pleased to announce that MEDIS has become an Executive Member of the Primary Care Collaborative (PCC). Furthermore, MEDIS is a proud signatory to the Concordance Recommendations for Primary Care Payment and Investment, a significant component of the Better Health – Now campaign spearheaded by the PCC.
The Primary Care Collaborative is a non-profit, multi-stakeholder membership organization that promotes an effective and efficient healthcare system grounded in robust primary care and the patient-centered medical home model. My involvement with the PCC dates to its inception in 2006 (previously known as the Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative or PCPCC) during my tenure with the American College of Physicians. During that period, I actively advocated for the Patient-Centered Medical Home and related policy initiatives. Now, rejoining as an independent entity, MEDIS is committed to actively supporting and contributing to the PCC’s endeavors. This includes advancing key initiatives like the Better Health-Now campaign. MEDIS is dedicated to improving the quality of health and healthcare – and the most effective way to achieve these goals is to promote and advance high-quality primary care for all.