Welcome to MEDISTATION – my channel for videos, verses, podcasts, and original music.
I welcome your comments and suggestions for additional topics.

Health Plans in a Changing Digital Landscape (December 2022)
Uneo Health’s CEO, Eric Sullivan, and I discuss how health plans are thinking differently when it comes to addressing quality measures and value-based healthcare improvement. The important focus on addressing social drivers of health, and meeting the needs of a growing “digital first” population requires plans to take a fresh approach to data, information, and innovation to improve healthcare quality and outcomes.
Only Together Can We Get There (July 2022)
Music, Lyrics, and Production by Michael S. Barr
During the NCQA Health Care Quality Congress in 2018, I listened to conversations, presentations, questions, and the ideas expressed by attendees and faculty. It was a vibrant conference with many perspectives shared through panels, town hall-like forums, and informal gatherings. I was incredibly impressed by the energy in the rooms, hallways, and receptions. As the closing speaker, I wanted to reflect on what I had learned and that took the form of a poem. I’ve edited the poem over the years and recently added a beat to the message. I hope you enjoy, “Only Together Can We Get There.”
Small Practices in America: Perspectives from Patients, Physicians, and Their Teams
In 2008, my colleague Paula Woodward and I traveled to several practices with a video crew as part of a funded project from The Physicians Foundation. The collection of videos is available on the American College of Physicians (ACP) website. As stated on the ACP landing page, “the entire video is intended to inspire and motivate clinicians and practice teams to continually strive to improve their practice across all aspects of care.”

Innovative Care Symposium, Maryland Health Care Commission (2021)
Value-Based Care Delivery, QI, Patient-Reported Outcomes
Verses: Original Poetry with a Purpose

Comprehensive Medication Management: A Missing Ingredient In Value-Based Payment Models
with M. Shawn McFarland, Pharm D., Dr. Michael Barr, and Katie Capps (December 2022) on Race to Value hosted by Dr. Eric Weaver and Daniel Chipping of The Institute for Advancing Health Value.

Equitable and accessible care must ensure appropriate and optimal use of medications since nearly 70 percent of clinician visits involve drug therapies. However, each year there are an estimated 275,000 deaths and $528.4 billion wasted in the US due to suboptimal medication use through inaccurate prescribing, medication errors, adverse drug reactions, skipped doses, or treatment failures.
So Many Measures (2018)
3M Inside Angle Podcast: So Many Measures (2018) (Podcast)
Dr. L. Gordon Moore, 3M Senior Medical Director Clinical Strategy and Value-Based Care and I chat about quality measures. [Podcast will open in new tab]
Lift the Spirit, Catch the Falling (2001)
From 1999 through 2004, I was the Chief Medical Officer of Baltimore Medical System, Inc (BMS). The clinical and administrative teams at that federally qualified health center are among the most mission-driven and hardworking professionals with whom I have ever had the privilege of serving. Inspired by their efforts, I composed a song in mid-2001 to highlight the excellent care provided and describe a vision of how like-minded people and organizations could change the world. I planned to debut the piece at the company’s annual All-Staff meeting that November.
Unfortunately, the celebration of the BMS staff I intended turned into a solemn dedication for Ian J. Gray. Ian was a key member of the BMS Board of Directors and among the thousands tragically killed on September 11, 2001. As described on the BMS website:
Ian’s personal mission was to ensure that basic health care was available and accessible to the medically underserved in Baltimore.
Ian’s vision is far from being realized in Baltimore and across the United States. We still have significant work to do.
Lift the Spirit, Catch the Falling
Words & Music by Michael S Barr (2001)
Tell me why so many,
Still struggle and have no voice.
Tell me why is health care,
Still a privilege, not a choice.
Old and young,
The working poor.
New arrivals,
To our shores.
Scared and scarred,
From care neglect.
We take their hands,
And show respect.
We dedicate our hearts.
We dedicate our minds.
Speaking up,
To end disparity.
Reaching out,
To create equality.
We lift the spirit,
Catch the falling.
Our mission is the
Highest calling.
We have a vision of Another world. Where health care reaches every boy and girl. Seniors don't choose between Food and medication. Insurance covers exercise And education. Every child is chosen, By a family that cares. All homeless people have, A place that's theirs. Tobacco, alcohol, And drug abuse are gone. And the war on HIV, Is finally won. We're not there yet, But we can get there soon. 'Cause the power to Change the world, Is in this room.
We dedicate our hearts.
We dedicate our minds.
Speaking up,
To end disparity.
Reaching out,
To create equality.
We lift the spirit,
Catch the falling.
Our mission is the
Highest calling.
Any color,
Any creed.
Any preference.
Any need.
All are welcome,
To our care.
This is our mission.
It's why we're here.
©2001 Michael S. Barr
MIDI Equipment/Software Used:
Cubase; Proteus 2000; Roland RS-9 Keyboard

MEDIS: Motivate. Engage. Design. Implement. Succeed.
MEDIS, LLC is registered in Maryland, USA.
Email: Barr@MEDISLLC.com
Phone: 240-266-5960
DUNS: 10-812-8637 CAGE: 97EU3 SAM: WNHTHBG2KFH4. NAICS: 541611