Population Health Alliance Posts
As Senior Director, Population Health Improvement for the Population Health Alliance (PHA), I regularly write articles on important topics and post them on PHA’s LinkedIn page. Below are links to the articles. Feel free to repost and comment…and consider joining PHA to lend your voice.
What’s the Outlook for Telehealth? (May 6, 2024)
The COVID-19 pandemic led to a surge in telehealth encounters, which have dropped to some degree but are still above pre-pandemic levels. Some financial projections project a rosy picture for telehealth, but recent announcements by Optum and Walmart, and other telehealth providers’ first quarter 2024 performance, may be warning signs.
What About Digital Health Apps? (April 23, 2024)
More than 350,000 digital health apps are in the market, yet uptake and use can be challenging. Are you deploying digital health apps in your organization? Are they effective? How did you choose them?
Treating Food as Medicine to Achieve Population Health (April 14, 2024)
My latest article for Population Health Alliance is on Food Is Medicine – an important topic that merits more attention.
Aligning Specialists & Primary Care to Support Value-Based, Accountable Care (April 9, 2024)
Optimized primary care is necessary but insufficient to drive the quality, cost, equity, and engagement we need. It’s time to align specialists and primary care to support value-based, accountable care.
What’s Health Equity Got to Do with Quality Measures? (April 2, 2024)
Quality measures need an equity lens that goes beyond stratification by race and ethnicity. We must differentiate between retrospective accountability measures that are slow to change and measures that drive improvement by providing prospective insights that lead to meaningful action at the individual and population levels.
Boosting Medicare Star Ratings: What Would You Do? (March 26, 2024)
You’ve been tasked with improving the Part C performance of your health plan to ≥3.5 for the current measurement year. What would you do?
Need Primary Care? Good Luck (March 14, 2024)
Primary care is the foundation of healthcare. Yet, access to high-quality, equitable, and cost-effective primary care remains out of reach for many…and will not get better without changes in policy, practice, and payment.
Fragmentation of Care Undermines Quality & Population Health Improvement (March 7, 2024)
A hallmark of good primary care is continuity of care. Yet fragmentation leads to unwarranted complexity and cost, undermining efforts to improve care.